Stay Safe Around Pad-Mounted Transformers
Ever felt tempted to touch, climb, or jump on one of these big green boxes in your neighborhood? Or maybe you just think it's an eyesore and want to "hide" it with landscaping.
These are pad-mounted transformers, which house vital, high-voltage electrical equipment and can be extremely dangerous. They can be found near schools, homes, and businesses and ARE NOT meant for touching, climbing, or playing (despite their size, shape, and location). We know they are not the most aesthectically pleasing either, but please do not try to hide them with bushes, fences, or flower beds. Even small additions around pad-mounted transformers can create hazards for yourself or Franklin PUD workers, so keep the areas around them clear. Landscaping and other obstructions (like fences) around electrical equipment interfere with our ability to continue to deliver reliable power and can cause delays if there is an outage or issue.
Occasionally, we have to repair, upgrade, or replace transformers, which requires our line trucks to drive into the right-of-way and lift the transformer out. We don't want to damage your landscaping, as we know it represents your hard earned money and time, so help us minimize that impact and keep transformers clear. If you notice an issue with a pad-mounted transformer (like missing panels or visible damage), please call our Operations Center immediately at (509) 546-5975 or email us at
Learn more at Pad-Mounted Transformer Safety.