Residential Services
If you are building a new home or business in the Franklin PUD service area, our Engineering staff will provide various services to make it easier for you. The following is a general summary only. You are encouraged to consult the Engineering Department concerning charges for your specific project.
Service Fees
This is a revised service fee schedule that Franklin PUD uses and is a template for typical services. Altered services could vary, so it is best to consult with one of our field engineers on the specifics of your project.
Service Installation Fee Schedule
Temporary Construction Service
Below is a “check-list” of several items that have to be completed before we can schedule a construction crew to energize your service:
- Contact Franklin PUD’s Engineering Department at 509-547-0556
- Obtain your electrical work permit from the State Department of Labor and Industries.
- Determine the type of service desired. (Overhead or Underground)
- Pay all necessary fees
- Install your service equipment
- Obtain an electrical inspection
- After your inspections complete, call us and request that your service is ready to be energized.
Temporary Construction Service
Permanent Residential Service
Below is a “check-list” summarizing the general requirements for residential service:
- Contact Franklin PUD’s Engineering Department at 509-547-0556.
- Obtain your electrical work permit from the Department of Labor and Industries.
- Determine type of service desired. (Overhead or Underground)
- Obtain underground locates.
- Provide all trenching, conduit, and backfill.
- Call the Department of Labor and Industries for inspection and approval of your new service.
- Pay necessary fees.
- Apply for service. (Only required for customers who have never had service with Franklin PUD)
- PUD normally supplies and installs the underground secondary cable, meter, and current transformers when necessary. According to the applicable service charge