Helping Hands
The Helping Hands program provides qualifying customers with emergency assistance to help pay their electric bill.
Helping Hands program funds are available for low-income households as defined by WAC 194-40-030 (Household income cannot exceed the higher of 80% of area median income or 200% of federal poverty level, adjusted for household size) to apply for as funding is available.
The Benton Franklin Community Action Connections (CAC) disburses the funds to Franklin PUD customers who meet the program guidelines. If you or someone you know is in need of assistance contact:
Benton Franklin Community Action Connections
710 West Court St, Pasco
Hours: Monday - Friday | 8:00 AM - Noon & 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Phone: (509) 545-4065
You can help by making a donation to our Helping Hands Program. Your donation can make a big difference. Donations can be one-time or recurring donations through RoundUp. When you enroll in RoundUp, your bill will be rounded up to the next nearest dollar each month. For example, if your bill is $62.38, it will be rounded up to $63.00. The extra 62 cents will go to Franklin PUD’s Helping Hands Program.
For more information on donating to the Helping Hands program contact:
Franklin PUD Customer Service Department
(509) 547-5591 or (800) 638-7701
You can enroll in RoundUp by:
- Checking the box on your payment stub and mailing it in with your payment or dropping it by our office
- Logging into your SmartHub account and enrolling in the program
- Contacting a Customer Service Representative at (509) 547-5591
- Coming into our office and having a Customer Service Representative sign you up
You may discontinue your participation in the RoundUp program at any time by contacting Franklin PUD’s Customer Service Department or logging into your SmartHub account. The donations are turned over to the Benton Franklin Community Action Connections (CAC) for disbursement.