Rate Schedules
Franklin PUD has various types of customers, and the cost to serve each type of customer is different. Below, you will find a brief summary of each of our different types of rates, including the Rate Schedule.
Full Rate Schedule (Effective May 1, 2024)
Residential Service
Service under this schedule shall be available throughout the District’s service area for lighting and power to single family residences and farms. Separately metered services incidental to single family residential and small farm service may be served under this schedule.
Rate Schedule 1 - Residential Service (Effective May 1, 2024)
Small General Service
Service under this schedule shall be available throughout the District’s service area for lighting and power to commercial, industrial, public buildings, and other services not eligible under other rate schedules where measured demand is less than 50 kW at least 10 times during any calendar year.
Rate Schedule 2.0 - Small General Service (Effective May 1, 2024)
Medium General Service
Service under this schedule shall be available throughout the District’s service area for lighting and power to commercial, industrial, public buildings, and other services not eligible under other rate schedules where measured demand equals or exceeds 50 kW at least 3 times during a calendar year and less than 300 kW at least 10 times during any calendar year.
Rate Schedule 2.1 - Medium General Service (Effective May 1, 2024)
Large General Service
Service under this schedule shall be available throughout the District’s service area for lighting and power to commercial, industrial, public buildings, and other services not eligible under other rate schedules where measured demand equals or exceeds 300 kW at least 3 months in a calendar year and is less than 3,000 kW at least 10 times during any calendar year.
Rate Schedule 2.2 - Large General Service (Effective May 1, 2024)
Industrial Service
Service under this schedule shall be available throughout the District’s service area for lighting and power to industrial loads where measured demand equals or exceeds 3,000 kW at least 3 months in a calendar year. This rate schedule is not available for customers with completed service applications submitted on or after February 14, 2023.
Rate Schedule 2.3 - Industrial Service (Effective May 1, 2024)
New Large Industrial Service
Service under this schedule shall be available throughout the District’s service area for lighting and power service to new large industrial loads where power requirements equal or exceed 3,000 kW served under a power sales contract with the District. Service under this classification is only applicable to new large industrial loads with completed service applications submitted on or after February 14, 2023. New Large Industrial Service customers will be served in accordance with rates and terms established under a contract with the District based on specific customer needs and loads.
Rate Schedule 2.4 - New Large Industrial Service (Effective May 1, 2024)
Small Agriculture Irrigation Service
Service under this schedule shall be available throughout the District’s service area for agricultural irrigation and agricultural drainage pumping installations of less than 300 horsepower, and uses incidental thereto.
Rate Schedule 3 - Small Agriculture Irrigation Service (Effective May 1, 2024)
Large Agriculture Irrigation Service
Service under this schedule shall be available throughout the District’s service area for agricultural irrigation and agricultural drainage pumping, and uses incidental thereto, where installations served by one meter are of 300 horsepower or larger.
Rate Schedule 4 - Large Agriculture Irrigation Service (Effective May 1, 2024)
Street Lighting Service
Service under this schedule shall be available to cities, towns, Franklin County and State of Washington installations located in the District’s service area upon receipt of an authorized lighting design under this schedule and under contracts based thereon.
Rate Schedule 5 - Street Lighting Service (Effective May 1, 2024)
Security Lighting Service Rate
Franklin PUD is pleased to provide security lighting to our customer-owners. To participate, simply call the PUD engineering department at 509-547-0556 to arrange an on site meeting with a Field Engineer to determine if the service is available in your area, and the light location and direction. 100 Watt High Pressure Sodium (HPS) lights are available to residential, general service, and irrigation customers. Lights may be added only to existing accounts.
Rate Schedule 6 - Security Lighting Service Rate (Effective May 1, 2024)