Meter Requirements

General Meter Requirements Document

The following are general requirements only, we encourage customers to consult with Engineering or the Meter Shop before you purchase and install your meter equipment.

General Provisions

Grounds: Bond all meter sockets and CT enclosures to customer ground in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC).

Meter Location:  Check with Engineering before equipment is installed.  Meters shall be:

  • Front (roadside) or side exterior wall of the building within 6 feet from front of the building.
  • Accessible to FPUD personnel on a 24-hour basis.
  • Height to center of meter shall be at or between 4’6” and 5’6” above construction and final grade.
  • In developments with existing facilities along a rear lot line, verify the meter location with Engineering.
  • Other locations will be at the discretion of FPUD.  Permission needs to be in writing.

Non-Residential Underground Services: If underground conductor is customer-owned, customer or customer representative makes up service conductor connections in CT can. FPUD will mount CT’s and make meter connections.

Single Family Residential Underground Services: The underground service conductor is owned and installed by FPUD.  For installations above 400 A, FPUD provides service connections and CT installation in the enclosure.