New Rates Effective May 1, 2024
At the April 23, 2024, Board of Commissioners meeting, Franklin PUD Commissioners approved an overall increase of 3% to the rate revenue for all rate classes, except Rate Schedule 5.0 Street Lighting Service, each May 1 of 2024 through 2027. The System Charge will remain the same and the increase will be to the Energy and Demand components. For our residential customers that would be an increase of about $4.06 per month for the first year (based on 1,400-kilowatt monthly usage). Each of the rate increases beginning with 2025, will be reviewed by the Board of Commissioners prior to May 1. Franklin PUD is committed to keeping rates as low and stable as possible for customers. This is the first rate increase for Franklin PUD since 2017. Franklin PUD is dedicated to navigating the challenges of a changing energy market in the most pro-active, economical, and least impactful way for our customers. By planning for incremental rate increases, Franklin PUD aims to provide residents and businesses with the ability to anticipate and adapt to their future energy costs. Franklin PUD’s full rate schedules are available on our website at